Disney World in Winter: 10 great reasons to visit the Walt Disney World Resort this winter

Looking for the perfect place for this winter? Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, just the ticket. Here are my top 10 "Tips" with Mickey Mouse for heating in winter.

1. Value season rates. Keep the portfolio with the lowest prices hot for Disney Resort Hotel from early January to mid-February, even during a period of poor attendance (and less crowded).

2. Year celebration of millions of dreams. Come celebrate the recent turmoil in finding newAttractions such as "Finding Nemo - The Musical" and Laugh Floor Comedy Club, and maybe win a million of 'dreams' that rewards Disney.

3. Golf! Enjoy Walt Disney World's 99 holes of golf. Green fees include transportation to and from the Disney Resort. Or try miniature golf at Disney's Winter Summerland or Fantasia Gardens, each with two 18-hole golf course.

4. Disney's free, on-site transport. Once you check into your Disney resort (orCamping), buses, boats and monorails you want to go anywhere on Disney property.

5. Children (and grandchildren). Few places better than Walt Disney World to be with family and warm smile.

6. Subscriptions and AAA discounts. These warm, save money, offers are in widespread decline in travel this year, also for tourists in high season.

7. Winter cruise discounts. This is usually a good time to go - prices are lower and the risk of bad weatherminimum. Why not add a tropical Disney Cruise Disney on your ski holiday?

8. Gas. Prices have fallen gradually.

9. Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort and Campground own. One of the top-rated campsites America faces the water from Disney's Magic Kingdom. Location, location, location.

10. It feels just great! Few destinations are cleaner, friendlier and safer than Walt Disney World. Be prepared, the eyebrows (and concerns) has left the door.

Copyright ©Jennifer Marx / Passport Travel Press - All rights reserved.

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