Hotels and attractions in Verona, Italy

Best as a setting for Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet and Two Gentlemen of Verona known, Verona, Italy is a beautiful tourist destination. It offers the traveler, is well preserved Roman architecture and medieval buildings, many of which were filmed hotels in Verona.

In the shadow of the spectacular Roman Arena, Piazza Bra is the heart of the city. The arena was built in 30 AD and seats 25,000, making them the largest Roman stadium. Concertsand conducted operas in the Arena during the festival season in summer.

You can visit the arena and climb to the summit a splendid view over the city and surrounding countryside.

Another visit is the square of the square grass, which is lined with beautiful palaces and buildings elegant city. There is a market every day here on the site of the Roman Forum.

The Captain's Palace and the Palace of regionalization, Piazza dei Signori is another attractive place.If you're tired, you can insert a pause in a café in the square.

Other views can by climbing from 12th Century Tower of Lamberti had. It is 275 meters high, but you can Lake Garda and the Alps on clear days.

Located in Piazza San Zeno, the church of San Zeno Maggiore has a rosette of 12 century and the wooden door with bronze reliefs. There's a shovel by Mantegna in the Church. And 'one of the best examples of Romanesque architecture in northern ItalyArchitecture.

The Museum of Fine Arts is located in an old castle on the river Adige. He has a fine collection of medieval and Renaissance paintings, including works by Veronese, Bellini and Tiepolo. There are also remains of an ancient Roman theater in the area.

Those who want to enjoy the gardens do not miss Just Garden, which is one of the most beautiful Renaissance gardens of Italy. Take time to explore, topiary, grottoes and fountains.

Hotels in Verona

Not faroutside the arena, Colomba d'Oro is in what once housed a monastery. With stone walls, arches from the 16th century frescoes, has a lot of old world charm. And there are 51 well appointed and comfortable rooms. While there is no restaurant, there is a breakfast room, a bar and some good restaurants within walking distance.

A few minutes from Piazza Bra Torcolo has 19 unique rooms, some with exposed beams and wooden floors. are the two women running the place addedNice, room upgrades, such as double-glazed windows, WiFi access, and small refrigerators. Breakfast is very nice here, especially when enjoyed on the terrace.

The Due Torri Hotel is the most expensive of Verona. Situated in a palace from the 14th century, the 1950 was converted into a hotel, and today is part of Baglioni. A lot of artists who come here to play the summer festivals, stay here. With 90 rooms, public spaces and largeArt Nouveau style bar and restaurant, is very impressive.

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