How To Use Creative Marketing and Sales During Tough Times - The Harris Rosen Hitch Hiking Odyssey

There are external factors in all business areas outside the direct control of a manager or owner. Then there are internal factors in all business areas in which a manager or owner has some influence or control.

With creative marketing and sales approaches outside the big box payments may have difficulty at times unavoidable.

It can be the creativity of the internal reactions to external factors to achieve a result more favorable than pure chance. Let us learn from whatOrlando entrepreneur during some tough times last reached.

Harris Rosen is a well-known hotelier and top shelf in the Orlando market. He studied at Cornell University School of Hotel Administration in 1962 and is now CEO of Rosen Hotels & Resorts. He has seven quality properties for a total of over 5,000 rooms. Business in 2008 looks very good.

But if Harris was his first Holiday Inn hotel, in 1974 he bought aacute shortage of gas in the United States. People just were not on the road in Orlando. Few travelers thought a few guests in all the hotels in the area.

Hotels and restaurants are, of course, guests and visitors to literally survive. So what to do?

Now, Harris Rosen on the highway near the exit of its Quality Inn and are trying to will power to influence people to leave the highway and check-in was soon found, however, applicable, that he had his powers agreement , so that has come witha plan B.

A program of a special man in sales was to put in place.

Harris knew that the bus company in New York were still en route to Orlando. He personally cold hitchhiked to New York and made ​​sales calls for the owners of rail cars.

"Hello, this is Harris Rosen. I just migrated from Florida with no problems to speak with you about a very big advantage for you and your client manager. I have a beautiful hotel in Orlando. You tell me what the room rate andI'll agree to it," he would say. This is a paraphrase, but essentially how the sales calls were made according to the story as recounted by Harris Rosen himself.

In short order he made friends with many tour bus owner/operators and cut deals for as low as $5 a night for guests to stay in his Quality Inn. The contract was a business card given to the coach operator where Harris wrote 5 dollars a night and signed his name. "You just give this to the front desk at check in and they'll honor your special rate for you and all your passengers," he told the tour bus owners. Harris gave out enough business card contracts to fill his hotel. Then he bought an airline ticket to Orlando and flew home.

After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on New York's Twin Towers the hotel business in Orlando really suffered. Harris Rosen began dropping rates to as low as $39 at some of his 4-star properties. He marketed and promoted. Many locals traveled to Rosen Hotels and helped prop occupancy and thus the hotel was able to better maximize overall hotel revenue, cover housekeeping costs, and reduce layoffs.

When the bad times roll in, just roll out some creative promotions and marketing to not only survive but thrive.

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