The story of Orlando, Florida

Orlando is the fifth largest city in Florida and still the third largest conurbation in the country. With its incredible climate, rich in theme parks, relative safety from hurricanes, the area is one of the most popular U.S. destinations for domestic tourism to be second only to Las Vegas. The city is an exciting place today, but it has always been a great center of tourism. In fact, Orlando was more than a century before Disney moved, and hada culture of long-standing and independent, long before there was a tourist capital.

Previously, it was Orlando Early, was the U.S. Army at Fort Gatlin, founded in 1838 to protect settlers in the area during the Seminole War of 1800. A small town shortly after the founding of the fortress formed. Originally Jernigan was named after its first settlers, the town was renamed in 1957 in Orlando. No one is quite sure where the name comes from. A theoryis that the war is going to Orlando Reeves, a soldier killed a Seminole in the second, but there are other theories that go against it.

Orange County was founded in 1856 with Orlando as the county seat. Although largely rural area during the Civil War, the city was able to grow steadily due to its fertile land and a climate perfect for growing citrus. At the turn of the century, Orlando was one of the largest producers of citrusThe regions of the country, with some so-called "citrus barons" largely control the government.

At that time, Orlando had a population in thousands, and people from other parts of the country began to notice the ideal climate in this region and the beautiful scenery of Central Florida. It soon became a popular recreation area, and rising land prices. Growth has slowed temporarily during the Great Depression, but came back during the Second World War, when the OrlandoArmy Air Base has attracted thousands of young soldiers in the area from which many later settled their families and raised in Orlando.

Current history of Orlando, the big turning point in the history of Orlando came in 1965 when Walt Disney announced that it has chosen the city for its planned resort Walt Disney World. Disney's other major cities like Miami and Tampa, but moved to Orlando because he made ​​his landlocked country more secureagainst hurricanes.

The resort opened in 1971, and the city directly experienced a huge population boom. 'S more than doubled the size of the period 1950-1980 and the growth has been compounded by an avalanche of big companies in the region, at least in part moved to the hype generated by the opening of Disney World. SeaWorld Orlando was founded in 1973 by tourism, which has helped establish the United States a magnet for Orlando.

Today, Orlando is aprosperous city with an "old Orlando" in the center of the city, largely preserved the unique character of the historic city. While working in the city traditionally relatively small compared to other cities, officials recently because the city into a destination, in turn, the tourist areas in the south-east of the city rivals. New museums, commercial buildings, apartments and have rejuvenated the city center, and visitors are often delighted to discover that there is muchmore than the theme parks of Orlando.

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