The Burden Called Commonwealth Games - Holiday - Part 3

The Commonwealth Games has developed a series of challenges to Delhi. Challenges more difficult to solve the problem of accommodation. A large number of visitors to go outside India to get the Commonwealth Games. Delhi is as usual far from ready to accept these huge numbers. To make matters worse, the government has handled the problems with various environmental groups to build the main site games in a reclaimed river bed of Yamuna (one of the most importantRivers in Northern India)!

But what are the real problems on earth? On one side - the quality of the hotels. Or rather the lack thereof. Most varieties of hotels in Delhi are the "savings and better." That means they are cheap and are very far from the best. bad service is common, but more often is theft and other minor offenses. The omission of the five stars, some properties - most of the hotels in Delhi are very far from international standards.

Nextis the coordination between the hotels and the Games Federation. Most hotels do not have a formal agreement to display the status of your reservation. Are usually associated with travel agencies and in turn to coordinate directly with customers. However, this system is completely useless during the Games - as the majority still want a central authority such as reservations, etc. The result is chaos. Since so many people suddenly appear at the same time - theycould in fact be expatriates who enjoy seeing find accommodation will be sent around from hotel to hotel looking for non-existent.

During the past year held a lot of government land auction bidder to build hotels and private homes in preparation for the imminent loss of revenue. However, the auction of land grabbing more opportunities to think of the big real estate companies. They bought land at high prices - to the delight of Delhi Development Authority(DDA short). But that also meant that a country has a shortage of liquidity, if it was time to build the hotel. According to the latest updates - the number of hotels that will be ready for a lot of outnumbered by those who have not turned off. There are many sites where a single brick was still not fixed!

There are a host of other problems that plague the hospitality industry in Delhi. Hygiene is a gender issue. Usually there are no health inspectorsin every city in India. The few who may be in the interest of the games available, can be easily bought off with derisory amounts. Therefore, the risk of food-borne illness is recovering quite high. For the average expat would cook the best use of their food - if there are no such requirements in their rooms. Water can be purchased in bottles - but even here there is a risk of the wrong bottle to buy.

Tips for expatriates looking for accommodation during the Games:

Book your accommodation soon -> Dates are October 3 to October 14, 2010.
Try to achieve, given a local perspective on your property, ask a friend in Delhi, if you can!
Test accommodation with friends and relatives, if possible to find.
Check with your local agency after booking - they can double / triple book!
Keep on hand a list of phone numbers of friends or accommodation alternatives - you never know!

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